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Table 1 Baseline (first visit) clinical characteristics of the patients

From: The combined role of NT-proBNP and LV-GLS in the detection of early subtle chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity in breast cancer female patients


No. (%)

Age in years, mean ± SD

47.6 ± 10.5

FH of cancer

3 (4.1)

Type of receptors

 Progesterone receptor (PR) positive

48 (64.9)

 Estrogen receptors (ER) positive

22 (29.8)

 HER receptor positive

61 (82.5)

TNM staginga

T (tumor size)



7 (9.5)


46 (62.2)


21 (28.4)

N (lymph node spread)



18 (24.3)


56 (75.7)

M (blood spread)



74 (100)

Grade of breast cancer


71 (95.9)


3 (4.1)

Site of breast cancer


32 (43.2)


41 (55.4)


1 (1.35)


 Pre chemotherapy

54 (73.0)

 Post chemotherapy


Planned chemotherapeutic agents

 A (doxorubicin)

43 (58.1)

 E (epirubicine)

27 (36.5)

 T (docetaxel)

4 (5.4)

 C (cyclophosphamide)

73 (98.6)

  1. DM diabetes mellitus, HTN hypertension, IDC invasive ductal carcinoma, FH family history, T tumor, N lymph node, M metastasis
  2. aTNM staging where T refers to the tumor size (T1; size <2 cm, T2; size 2–5 cm, T3; size >5 cm), N refers to lymph node affection (N0; no cancer cells in the nearby lymph nodes, N1; some cancer cells are found in the axillary lymph nodes, but the nodes are not stuck to the surrounding), and M refers to blood metastases (M0; no metastases)
  3. bIDC, invasive ductal carcinoma (grade II is a moderately differentiated while grade III is a poorly differentiated IDC)