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Table 1 Overview of the randomized controlled studies that were included (n = 11)

From: Exercise training and cardiac autonomic function following coronary artery bypass grafting: a systematic review and meta-analysis




Outcome measures

Main findings

Wu et al. [48]

After > 1 week

CABG, n = 54 randomized and analyzed

E1: n = 18 (100% male) 62.8 ± 6.9 years

E2: n = 18 (100% male) 60.9 ± 7.6 years

C: n = 18 (100% male) 62.2 ± 9.6 years

30% β-blocker (E1: n = 5, E2: n = 7, C: n = 4)

12 weeks, aerobic exercise

3 sessions per week

E1: (CR) 30 to 60 min at 60 to 85% of peak heart rate

E2: (HBE) 30 to 60 min at 60 to 85% of peak heart rate

C: continued with ADL


↑ HRR1 in E1 and E2 groups

Tsai et al. [47]

After 1 week CABG, n = 30 randomized and analyzed

E: n = 15 (NR) 61.23 ± 9.49 years

C: n = 15 (NR)

63.23 ± 14.61 years

No specific details on medications

E: 3 months aerobic exercise (stationary bicycle/walking on a treadmill) for 30 to 40 min, 3x/week at 60 to 85% of peak heart rate

C: only phase 1 mobilization after surgery provided


↑ HRR1 in E group

Legramante et al. [50]

After 1 week CABG, n = 82 randomized and analyzed

E(TR): n = 43 (100% male) 59.6 ± 8.6 years

C(UTR): n = 39 (100% male) 58.0 ± 7.5 years

14% β-blockers (E: n = 4, C: n = 8)

E: two daily sessions of 30 min of stationary cycling 6x/week for 2 weeks combined with calisthenics at 85% of the HRmax reached in the initial CPX (or to 75% of HRmax in patients older than 65 yrs)

C: followed up the same daily calisthenics and walking routine schedule (2 daily sessions for 6x/week for 2 weeks) as the TR group



 ↔ HRR1

↑ HRR2 in E group

Mehani [57]

After 4th day CABG, n = 50 randomized and analyzed

E: n = 25 (100% male) 50.6 ± 8.6 years

C: n = 25 (100% male) 50 ± 7.5 years

14% β-blockers (E: n = 4, C: n = 3)

E: ten steps cardiac rehabilitation program with adjusted intensity about 85% of maximal heart rate

C: followed up the same daily mild calisthenics and walking routine, breathing exercises without adjustment for exercise intensity


↑ HRR1 in E group

Bilińska et al. [51]

After 3 months CABG, n = 120 randomized, n = 100 analyzed

E: n = 50 (100% male) 57 ± 6 years

C: n = 50 (100% male) 56 ± 6 years

100% β-blocker

E: 6 weeks aerobic exercise(cycling) for 60 min, 3x/week at 70 to 80% of MHR

C: Continued with ADL



↑ SDNN, ↔ LF, ↔ HF, ↔ LF/HF in E group

↑ HRR1, ↑ HRR2 in E group (long-term recording)

Ghardashi-Afousi et al. [52]

After > 6 weeks CABG, n = 54 randomized, n = 42 analyzed

E1(LV-HIIT): n = 14 (100% male) 53.90 ± 3.44 years

E2(MICT): n = 14 (100% male) 54.10 ± 4.02 years

C: n = 14 (100% male) 58.80 ± 4.41 years

28% β-blocker (E1: n = 3, E2: n = 4, C: n = 5)

E1 (LV-HIIT): 10 intervals of 2 min at 85 to 95% of HRmax and separated by 2 min at 50% HRmax for 3x/week for 6 weeks

E2 (MICT): 40 min running on a treadmill at 70% of HRmax 3x/week for 6 weeks

C: Continued with ADL


↑ SDANN, ↑RMSSD, ↑ HF, ↓ LF and ↓ LF/HF in E1 and E2 groups

↑ SDANN, ↑ HF, ↓ LF and ↓ LF/HF in E1 compared to E2 group (long-term recording)

Shao et al. [53]

After CABG, n = 53 randomized and analyzed

E: n = 28 (64% male) 62.52 ± 7.05 years

C: n = 25 60% male 64.47 ± 8.12 years

No specific data provided on medications

E: 8 weeks, aerobic exercise (frequency and intensity-NR)

C: Continued routine treatment for 8 weeks


↑SDNN, ↑SDANN ↑RMSSD, ↑PNN50 in E group (long-term recording)

Iellamo et al. [49]

After 1 week CABG, n = 97 randomized, n = 86 analyzed

E(TR): n = 45 (100% male) 59.46 ± 7.8 years

C(UTR): n = 41 (100% male) 58.56 ± 7.3 years

14% β-blocker (E: n = 4, C: n = 8)

E: Two daily sessions of 30 min of stationary cycling 6x/week for 2 weeks combined with calisthenics at 85% of the HRmax reached in the initial CPX (or to 75% of HRmax in patients older than 65 yrs)

C: Continued to perform walking and calisthenics with the same daily schedule (2 daily sessions for 6x/week for 2 weeks as the TR group)


↑SDANN in E group (short-term recording)

Takeyama et al. [54]

After 1 week CABG, n = 28 randomized and analyzed

E: n = 13 (100% male) 58.8 ± 6.3 years

C: n = 15 (87% male) 61.7 ± 8.7 years

0% β-blocker

E: 30 min aerobic exercise (cycling) 2x/day at the anaerobic threshold for 2 weeks

C: Walk 200 m 3x/day and progress to 500 m within 2 weeks


↑HF at rest after 3 months in E group

↑HF during exercise after 3 weeks in E group (short-term recording)

Mendes et al. [55]

After CABG, n = 74 randomized, n = 47 analyzed

E: n = 24 (100% male) 60 ± 8 years

C: n = 23 (100% male) 58 ± 9 years

74% β-blockers (E: n = 18, C: n = 17)

E: 5 days supervised inpatient

physiotherapy protocol (active assisted, active exercises and ambulation gradually)

C: deep breathing exercises


↑SDANN, ↑SDNN, ↑RMSSD, ↑HF, ↓LF, ↓LF/HF in the E group (short-term recording)

Ribeiro et al. [56]

After CABG, n = 70 randomized, n = 48 analyzed

E1 (EMG): n = 15 (86% male) 58.3 ± 7.7 years

E2 (VRG): n = 17 (59% male) 62.1 ± 9.0 years

C: n = 16 (68% male) 60.3 ± 8.3 years

43% β-blockers (E1: n = 6, E2: n = 8, C: n = 7)

3 days of inpatient physiotherapy protocol

E1: EMG (sitting out of bed, foot and ankle exercise, cycle ergometer, and ambulation)

E2: VRG (similar protocols EMG with the addition of two Nintendo Wii games. A boxing game and the game “Basic Run” marching on the spot)

C: Respiratory physiotherapy

and foot and ankle exercises


↑SDNN, ↑RMSSD, ↑HF,↓LF, ↓LF/HF ratio in E1 and E2 groups (short-term recording)

  1. ADL, activities of daily living; C, control; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; CPX, cardiopulmonary exercise testing; CR, cardiac rehabilitation; E, exercise; EMG, early mobilization group; HBE, home-based exercise; HF, high frequency; HRmax, maximum heart rate; HRR1, heart rate recovery in the first minute after exercise; HRR2, heart rate recovery in the second minute after exercise; HRV, heart rate variability; LF, low frequency; LV-HIIT, low-volume high-intensity interval training; MICT, moderate-intensity continuous training; NR, not reported; pNN50, percentage of differences between adjacent NN intervals that are > 50 ms; RMSSD, root mean square of the difference in RR intervals; SDANN, standard deviation of the 5 min mean RR intervals; SDNN, standard deviation of all RR intervals; TR, trained; UTR, untrained; VRG, Virtual reality group; ↓, statistically significant decrease; ↑, statistically significant increase; and ↔, no statistically significant change