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Table 1 Notable emergent biomarkers in cardiovascular diseases

From: Emerging biomarkers for the detection of cardiovascular diseases

Name of Marker

Derivative of

Source of tissue

Cause of increase

Time point to increase

Time point to back normal

Diagnostic use

Cardiac troponin

Regulatory protein complex. T and I cardiac-specific isoforms


Heart injury

3–4 h after injury

7–10 days

Myocardial infarction and degree of damage

C reactive protein

Protein derived. Acute phase protein


Raise in Inflammation

4–6 h after inflammation

Decrease (36–50 h.) after resolution of inflammation

Chronic inflammatory disease and risk of heart disease


Protein derived

azurophilic granules of polymorphonuclear neutrophils and macrophages

Coronary artery disease and Inflammation

2 h after onset of symptoms


Diagnosis and risk stratification of acute coronary artery syndrome


Myocardium-related isoenzymes of CK

Heart and Skeletal muscles

When injury to heart and skeletal muscle cells

4to 6 h after heart muscles injury, peak level at 24 h

Within 48–72 h, it will return to normal

Less than Troponin in specificity. Used to diagnostic re-infarction

Ischemia modified albumin (IMA)

Protein derived

Heart tissue

when circulating serum albumin contacts ischemic heart tissues

Rise within minutes of transient ischemia. Peak within 6 h


It is a good discriminator between ischemic and non-ischemic patients


Protein derived, oxygen sorting protein

Hearty and skeletal muscles

When injury to heart and skeletal muscle cells

After injury 2–4 h, peak level at 8 to 12 h

Return to normal within 24 h

Early diagnosis in addition to Troponin




Tissue and vascular injury, it may elevate in inflammation

5 days after injury


Bleeding disorders and risk of cardiovascular diseases


Amino acid derivative

Intestinal lumen

Cardiovascular and Renal disease

Increase within 24 h


To predict heart attack, stroke and kidney disease

Cystatin- C

Protein derivative

All nucleated cells

Acute kidney injury and cardiovascular disease

When acute kidney injury develops, after 8 h of cardiac surgery


Early detection of acute kidney injury in cardiac surgery patients

Lipoprotein-associated phospho lipase A2

Lipid derivative


Cardiovascular inflammation and heart failure

After 24 h of inflammation


To help to determine risk of CVD’s and coronary heart disease and ischemic stroke


Lipid derivative

All nucleated cells

Increased in cardiovascular diseases


Develop early diagnostic tools for CVD’s