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Table 1 Clinical data

From: In vivo measurement of stent length by using intravascular ultrasound


Patients (n = 90)

Age (years)


66.6 ± 10.0

Sex (%)


74 (82.2)


16 (17.8)

Smokers (%)


51 (56.7)

Hypertension (%)


60 (66.7)

Diabetes mellitus (%)


32 (35.6)

Dyslipidemia (%)


61 (67.8)

Family history (%)


14 (15.6)

Chronic stable angina pectoris (%)


39 (43.3)

Unstable angina pectoris (%)


29 (32.2)

Acute myocardial infarction (%)


22 (24.4)

Ejection fraction


0.62 ± 0.12

Statin (%)


52 (57.8)

β-Blocker (%)


27 (30)

Calcium antagonist (%)


39 (43.3)

ACE inhibitor (%)


21 (23.3)

ARB (%)


32 (35.5)

Cholesterol, mg/dl


190.06 ± 35.94

LDL cholesterol, mg/dl


120.28 ± 28.34

HDL cholesterol, mg/dl


48.44 ± 13.34

  1. Data are given as mean ± SD or percentage
  2. ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme, ARB angiotensin receptor blocker, β-blocker beta-blocker, HDL cholesterol high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, LDL cholesterol low-density lipoprotein cholesterol