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Table 2 Current guideline recommendations reagrding the use of intravenous iron in heart failure

From: Iron replacement therapy in heart failure: a literature review

Guideline group

Year of publication


Class/level of evidence

European Society of Cardiology [44]


IV ferrous carboxymaltose should be considered in symptomatic patients with HFrEF and ID (ferritin < 100 µg/L, or ferritin 100–299 if TSAT < 20%)

IIa (weight of evidence is in favour of usefulness)/level A

American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology [47]


In HF patients with NYHA class II and III and ID (ferritin < 100 ng/mL, or 100–300 ng/mL if TSAT < 20%), IV iron may be reasonable to improve functional status and quality of life

IIb (weak strength of recommendation)/ level B-R

Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network [46]


HFrEF patients with either NYHA class III and LVEF ≤ 45%; or NYHA class II and LVEF ≤ 40%, along with haemoglobin 9.5–13.5 g/dL should be considered for IV iron

1+ + + (high-quality meta-analyses, systematic reviews of RCTs, or RCTs with a very low risk of bias)

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence [48]


No recommendation

  1. HF heart failure, HFrEF heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, IV intravenous, ID iron deficiency, TSAT transferrin saturation, NYHA New York Heart Association, LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction, RCT randomised controlled trial