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Table 2 Baseline patient characteristics

From: Transfusion strategies in patients with acute coronary syndrome and anemia: a meta-analysis


Male (n/%)

Mean age (years)

HTN (n/%)

Prior MI (n/%)

DM (n/%)

Prior CABG (n/%)

Prior PCI (n/%)

Presenting with STEMI (n/%)

Presenting with NSTEMI (n/%)

Cooper et al./CRIT 2011 [4]

R: 13/54


R: 70.3

L: 76.4

R: 18/75

L: 19/91

R: 15/63

L: 16/76

R: 13/54

L: 17/81

R: 4/17

L: 6/29

R: 6/25

L: 5/24

R: 11/46

L: 7/33

R: 13/54

L: 14/67

Carson et al. 2013 [5]

R: 27/49.1

L: 28/50.9

R: 74.3

L: 67.3

R: 45/81.8

L: 47/85.5

R: 36/65.5

L: 38/69.1

R: 29/52.7

L: 34/61.8

R: 18/32.7

L: 16/29.1

R: 22/40

L: 24/43.6

R: 16/29.1

L: 17/30.1

R: 26/47.3

L: 21/38.2

Ducrocq et al. 2021/REALITY [6]

R: 201/58.8

L: 184/56.8

R: 78

L: 76

R: 272/79.5

L: 256/79.0

R: 189/55.3

L: 201/62.0

R: 176/51.5

L: 158/48.8

R: 44/12.9

L: 42/13.0

R: 114/33.3

L: 111/34.3

R: 108/31.6

L: 93/28.7

R: 234/68.4

L: 231/71.3

  1. HTN hypertension, DM diabetes mellitus, MI myocardial infarction, PCI percutaneous coronary intervention, R restrictive transfusion, L liberal transfusion