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Table 1 Systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and heart rate measurements as well as 0 h, 1 h and 2 h measurements, and their statistical association

From: Diltiazem efficacy and CYP2D6 gene polymorphism in patients with atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response

Systolic blood pressure (SBP)

0 h SBP

1 h SBP

Δ1 = 12.08 ± 19.51

p* = 0.0001

Mean ± S.D

137.39 ± 25.95

125.31 ± 21.67


0 h SBP

2 h SBP

Δ2 = 13.56 ± 21.46

p* = 0.0001

Mean ± S.D

137.39 ± 25.95

123.83 ± 18.78


1 h SBP

2 h SBP

Δ3 = 1.48 ± 17.19

p* = 1.000

Mean ± S.D

125.31 ± 21.67

123.83 ± 18.78

Diastolic blood pressure (DBP)

0 h DBP

1 h DBP

Δ4 = 5.07 ± 19.3

p* = 1.000

Mean ± S.D

83.44 ± 17.85

78.37 ± 16.27


0 h DBP

2 h DBP

Δ5 = 7.49 ± 18.42

p* = 0.006

Mean ± S.D

83.44 ± 17.85

75.94 ± 14.8


1 h DBP

2 h DBP

Δ6 = 2.43 ± 12.81

p* = 0.092

Mean ± S.D

78.37 ± 16.27

75.94 ± 14.8

Pulse rate (PR)

0 h PR

1 h PR

Δ7 = 35.71 ± 25.04

p** = 0.0001

Mean ± S.D

152.89 ± 19.01

117.17 ± 23.17


0 h PR

2 h PR

Δ8 = 42.05 ± 25.84

p** = 0.0001

Mean ± S.D

152.89 ± 19.01

110.84 ± 26.52


1 h PR

2 h PR

Δ9 = 6.33 ± 23.09

p** = 0.0001

Mean ± S.D

117.17 ± 23.17

110.84 ± 26.52

  1. Bold values indicate p < 0.05 which is statistically significant
  2. p* values derived from the Wilcoxon paired two-sided test with Bonferroni correction
  3. p** values derived from the Bonferroni test