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Table 9 MR and Immediate LA GLS

From: Immediate, short-term, and long-term effects of balloon mitral valvuloplasty on the left atrial global longitudinal strain and its correlation to the outcomes in patients with severe rheumatic mitral stenosis


Mild MR


(n = 79)

Moderate MR


(n = 9)

Moderate to

severe MR cases

(n = 7)

p value


Immediate LA GLS

37.1a ± 4.8

33.3b ± 4.9

27.8c ± 5.2

 < 0.01**

  1. One-way ANOVA and Duncan test were used
  2. a,b,cMeans with the different superscript letters had significant differences with each other
  3. **: P-value > 0.05: Non-significant; P-value < 0.05: Significant; P-value < 0.01: highly significant