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RETRACTED ARTICLE: New insight of the efficacy trimetazidine in patients with peripheral arterial disease: a meta-analysis

This article was retracted on 17 May 2024

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This review aims to examine the impact of trimetazidine on skeletal muscle function in patients suffering from peripheral artery disease (PAD).


We searched for studies, both experimental and observational research, concerning the comparison of trimetazidine administration to placebo/standard of care in patients with PAD in PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Cochrane. Meta-analyses of the included studies were performed using Review Manager v5.4. Clinical parameters [ankle-brachial index (ABI) and maximum walking distance (MWD)] were analyzed.


Three observational studies involving 378 participants with PAD satisfied predefined criteria. There was no substantial difference between the examined groups’ on ABI (pre- and post-intervention) (MD = − 0.06 [− 0.19 to 0.07], p = 0.38, I2 = 90%). Meanwhile, MWD improvement was significantly higher (MD = 14.15 [6.05–22.25], p = 0.0006, I2 = 37%) in trimetazidine group than in the control group.


Current evidence from our meta-analysis suggests the beneficial role of trimetazidine's anti-ischemic effect in PAD patients by improving MWD, while it has an insignificant influence on ABI.


A circulatory issue called peripheral arterial disease (PAD) causes less blood to flow in the arteries of lower extremities [1]. PAD affected more than 200 million adults globally [2], and its prevalence continues to rise [3]. Surprisingly, the trend shows higher incidence with 7.4% in high-income nations than the other with 5.1%. However, considering the population size, the majority of those with PAD (72.9%) resided in low- and middle-income nations [4].

Narrowed arterial lumen causes oxygen supply–demand mismatch, which manifests as pain, cramps, or fatigue that eventually causes PAD patients to slow down or stop walking [5, 6]. The symptoms vary according to the disease stage [7]. Ankle-brachial pressure index (ABI) is a simple and valuable examination that reflects distal perfusion of the lower extremity, which is the hallmark PAD [8]. However, PAD is often unrecognized and undiagnosed and is usually linked to decreased life quality, mobility limitation, and amputation. In addition, the critical risk of systemic atherothrombotic incidents, such as stroke, cardiovascular mortality, and myocardial infarction, is also frequently linked to peripheral arteries [9].

The anti-ischemic drug trimetazidine (TMZ) is frequently used to treat stable coronary artery disease and chronic heart failure. This medication prevents cardiac fatty acid intake, which stimulates glucose oxidation and increases mitochondrial metabolism by inhibiting the long-chain 3-ketoacyl coenzyme A thiolate enzyme in mitochondria [10]. It works indirectly by optimizing glucose oxidation (aerobic metabolism), which decreases the amount of build-up lactic acid, proinflammatory cytokines, and other pain mediators associated with ischemic injury, leading to symptom improvement [11]. Previous studies examined the possible use of trimetazidine for those suffering from atherosclerotic lesions in the peripheral arteries [12]. However, the role of trimetazidine in PAD is unclear. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the current evidence of trimetazidine effect among patients with PAD, especially in patients with intermittent claudication.


The current review and analysis refer to statements in the instruction of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) (Fig. 1). A detailed protocol has been registered earlier in PROSPERO.

Fig. 1
figure 1

PRISMA flow chart showing results of the literature search

Data sources and search strategy

We reviewed the whole body of literature in order to incorporate all pertinent research up to November 2023. We looked through the Cochrane, ScienceDirect, and PubMed databases. Studies that satisfied the following requirements were included: (1) Any trials/observational studies investigating the administration of trimetazidine in PAD; (2) Any trials/observational studies where the participants were adults over the age of 16 who were diagnosed with chronic intermittent claudication PAD (Rutherford Class 1–3). A search strategy was created for each database using MeSH phrases and Boolean operators. The terms “peripheral artery disease” and “trimetazidine” or their synonyms were included in the search.

Study selection process

Three independent investigators selected and evaluated the relevant studies (KAAPP, NGAMSDC, and BR). Any disagreements were resolved by a third independent author (YP). The literature was restricted to English, and any titles or abstracts considered admissible for inclusion were acquired for full-text evaluations.

Outcome measures

The outcome of interest of this meta-analysis are ankle-brachial index [ABI] and maximum walking distance [MWD].

Data extraction and quality assessment

KAAPP, NGAMSDC, and BR were responsible for retrieving the baseline parameters of all included research. KAAPP, NGAMSDC, and BR then carried out a thorough quality evaluation of the included research using the Newcastle–Ottawa scale for observational studies. Any disagreements were resolved by consensus, taking into account the perspective of the other author (YP).

Statistical analysis

The 95% confidence intervals (CIs) and mean difference (MD) were estimated using the Mantel–Haenszel random-effects models. To measure statistical heterogeneity between groups, the Higgins I2 statistic was employed. Specifically, an I2 = 0 indicated the absence of heterogeneity, while an I2 value more than 50% was considered significant heterogeneity. We used the random-effect models to calculate the odds ratio (OR) in light of the study's heterogeneity. For this study, we evaluated the possibility of publication bias using Egger's test funnel plot. Review Manager 5.4.1 was used for all analyses. The definition of statistical significance was a two-sided p value of less than 0.05.


Study search and selection results

There were 138 studies found using the first search approach. A comprehensive text examination of 10 potentially relevant papers resulted in three publications being included in the systematic review and meta-analysis (Fig. 1).

Baseline characteristics and quality assessment

Table 1 displays the baseline characteristics of the included studies. Every study was an observational studies that satisfied the criteria for inclusion in the meta-analysis and systematic review. A total of 378 individuals were enrolled in the three included trials. The Newcastle–Ottawa scale for observational studies was used to assess quality and bias risk in three of the included studies (Fig. 2). There is no considerable bias risk in any observational study. Analysis of the funnel plot in Figs. 2 and 3 indicates that the included studies' publication bias cannot be disregarded. The follow-up period for reassessment of the effect of treatment with trimetazidine for each included study was different. Research by Chu et al. for 6 months, research by Vitale et al. for 3 months, and research by Hu et al. for 1 month are given in Table 2.

Table 1 Main characteristics of the studies included in the meta-analysis
Fig. 2
figure 2

The funnel plot of ABI

Fig. 3
figure 3

The funnel plot of MWD

Table 2 Newcastle–Ottawa scale of included studies

Pooled analyses for clinical outcomes

There was no substantial difference between the examined groups’ on ABI (pre- and post-intervention) (MD = − 0.06 [− 0.19 to 0.07], p = 0.38, I2 = 90%) (Fig. 4). Meanwhile, MWD improvement was significantly higher (MD = 14.15 [6.05–22.25], p = 0.0006, I2 = 37%) in trimetazidine group than in the control group (Fig. 5).

Fig. 4
figure 4

The forest plot of ABI

Fig. 5
figure 5

The forest plot of MWD


PAD is a condition in which the arteries are narrowed outside the heart specifically lower extremities arteries, reducing blood flow in the peripheral artery [1, 2]. Most PAD is asymptomatic, but if it continues untreated, the muscles will be starved of oxygen, and claudication will appear [2]. Recently, trimetazidine, an anti-ischemic agent, has been introduced for patients with PAD as the clinician might consider its therapeutic effect on skeletal muscle could resemble its well-known beneficial effect in the myocardial muscle of patients with stable coronary artery disease. Regarding the authors' knowledge, this current meta-analysis and systematic review was the first research addressing this issue [13].

Trimetazidine is a cytoprotective medication that, through several mechanisms of action, normalizes metabolic abnormalities in low-flow ischemia. The most well-known way trimetazidine works is by preventing the oxidation of free fatty acids (FFA) [13]. Trimetazidine accelerates the metabolism of glucose by specifically blocking long-chain 3-ketoacyl coenzyme A thiolase (LC 3-KAT), the FFA-oxidation pathway’s last enzyme [13, 14]. Additionally, trimetazidine improves the activity of the enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase, which reduces the amount of oxygen used during the synthesis of adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP), creating hydrogen ions, the amount of intracellular acidosis, and the reduced accumulation of calcium ions [13]. Another aspect of the action of trimetazidine mechanism that may be crucial for people with cardiovascular disease, including those who have chronic heart failure (CHF), is its direct suppression of cardiac fibrosis through enhancing connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) [13].

ABI is a simple, feasible, non-invasive, and affordable test tool for diagnosing PAD [15]. According to AHA, PAD is diagnosed when ABI is ≤ 0.9 [16]. As ABI reflects the degree of arterial occlusion due to lumen narrowing, it could be used as one of the therapeutic parameters in PAD [17]. Our included study individually showed that ABI improvement between trimetazidine-receiving and control at the end of the study did not look markedly different. It is confirmed by our pooled finding, which also found insignificant differences in SMD between groups. This finding could happen as trimetazidine did not work on the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of plaque formation. However, this conclusion should be considered an interim finding in the setting of the scarcity of evidence as the therapy evaluation was considered short (3 and 6 months).

Progressive deterioration of the arterial lesion causes claudication and reduces walking capacity. Clinical evidence of a decline in walking ability at POT and MWD supports this theory. This test is often done until the pain becomes more severe at a steady pace and flat surface. According to the Fontaine or Rutherford classification, MWD is the major index for determining the severity of PAD. [18]

Our pooled finding suggested that the MWD improvement was notably higher in trimetazidine than in control groups. This finding is in line with the backgrounding theories on trimetazidine administration in patients with intermittent claudication. Reduced blood flow and oxygenation distal to the lumen narrowing promotes cellular anaerobic metabolism, leading to the lactic acid build-up in the interstitium. Growth factors and inflammatory cytokines release are also increased as the muscle tissue is hypoxic. The build-up of anaerobic metabolites and endogenous substances led to various receptors and channels of upregulation involved in sensory input transmission and perceived as pain stimuli by the central nervous system [11]. According to a prior study, the maximal rate of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis in skeletal muscle mitochondria was positively correlated with the activity level of the muscle during treadmill activity, and the walking distance of those with PAD was inversely related to their adenosine diphosphate concentration (ADP) [19]. Trimetazidine works by optimizing aerobic metabolism in skeletal muscle and reducing the amount of oxygen needed to produce ATP [13]. This could lead to less and delay of lactic acid, proton, proinflammatory cytokines, and growth factors accumulation that could stimulate pain in peripheral nerve ending [11]. The patients eventually could perform longer walking distances as the pain improves. This possible explanation could also explain better MWT and POT in trimetazidine receiving compared to the control group, as reported by Chu et al. [20]

However, this present review possesses several limitations. The number of pooled data was considerably low (n = 378 patients). One of the included studies did not undergo randomization, and another might have a selection of reported result issues. Moreover, there was a study with unequal baseline characteristics rendering carefulness in responding to this research findings. Also, we could not carry out a subgroup analysis because there were no data on PAD patients with or without history of coronary artery disease in any of the included studies. However, as far as our knowledge, this study is the first systematic review addressing the trimetazidine administration in PAD and could contribute to providing a summary of recent evidence and be a stepping stone for further exploration to enrich data in this field.


Recent evidence suggests the beneficial role of trimetazidine in PAD by improving patients’ ischemia-related symptoms through its anti-ischemic mechanism. This present review finds better improvement in mean walking distance in patients-receiving trimetazidine though it does not influence the ABI. As the evidence in this field is considerably scarce, further exploration with well-designed studies engaging larger participants addressing this issue is needed.

Availability of data and materials

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Ankle-brachial index


Maximum walking distance


Peripheral arterial disease


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The data were accessible to all authors, who also gave the work a thorough review before submission. Before submission, this article was reviewed and approved by all authors. Conception and design are performed by KAAPP. Analysis and interpretation are performed by KAAPP and NGAMSDC. KAAPP, NGAMSDC, YP, and BR collected the data. KAAPP, NGAMSDC, YP, and BR contributed to writing the article. KAAPP, NGAMSDC, YP, and BR critically revised the article. Final approval of the article was provided by KAAPP, NGAMSDC, YP, and BR. KAAPP, NGAMSDC, YP, and BR contributed to the statistical analysis. KAAPP held overall responsibility.

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Pramana, K.A.A.P., Cahyani, N.G.A.M.S.D., Pintaningrum, Y. et al. RETRACTED ARTICLE: New insight of the efficacy trimetazidine in patients with peripheral arterial disease: a meta-analysis. Egypt Heart J 76, 31 (2024).

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